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  • Writer's pictureHuttons Valley Permaculture

A day off!

We all love a day off right? Well I suppose I had two days off. The first was a lovely visit to see my sons and their partners along with my mum. Some delicious brownies were made for us all to enjoy with a mix that was gluten free, preservative free and dairy free - that requirement was for me! Yum!! So why did I switch off my brain and put the whipped cream on top and enjoy, not one, but two brownies like this?? It wasn’t until later in the afternoon that I realised what I had done. Not clever. We all have our moments right??

Anyway that was the first day off. My second was the day when I was off! My dairy allergy of course kicked in - headaches, couldn’t think, couldn’t really get going! Oh well, not like I’d eaten gluten but a reminder of why I’m usually so careful! I did get out and get a few things done like mowing with my tractor. But with a brain half on, I made a mistake. Should have put my bee gloves as well as the jacket on to mow around my hive, but didn’t! Being a bit fogging I didn’t mow efficiently around my bees which certainly upset the more aggressive hive who went on the attack. Four stings to one hand sent me packing!

Having retired to the couch for most of the morning following my mowing incident I dragged myself out to get the pavers weeded. Usually I weed bit by bit as over time a lot of my ‘weeds’ have become edibles. I’ve got rocket sprouting at the moment and my mint plant is a lot more healthy than the ones I’m growing in pots. Various herbs have found their way in along with a few young lettuce plants. Decided it was time for it all to be cleared - well except for the mint plant!

It’s definitely time to be getting a few plants and seeds in the ground for winter harvest so moved from my pavers to the veggie patch. Started clearing a carrot bed and the former pea bed that was now full of weeds. Harvested some onions seeds and cleared the plants away and did a chop and drop on a patch of comfrey to mulch around my artichokes. It was about then I noticed that my poor bee stung hand had really swollen and it was hard to even bend my fingers. Once again I retired to the couch and treated myself to a movie.

Oh well, let’s hope my brain returns tomorrow. No more days off haha!!

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