My next video is up on YouTube and ready for watching. It's a tour around the property and a little explanation of what's going on here. See link at the top, right hand side of page! I love my new drone for giving a different aspect on the place. These photos were taken on Sunday morning, which was quite frosty and cool. Lovely to capture that chilliness before the sunshine melted it all away!
It was one of those days that I didn't quite get done what I'd hoped for. In the morning, after discovering this pile of feathers in the paddock, I decided that I really did need to do something about my chickens, sooner, rather than later! This young lady was alway hesitant to go into the coop and while I do check around when closing their gate, sometimes they hide from you and choose to stay out. I warn them. There are plenty of foxes around here. So I moved their fence away from the trees and the small escape hole through the fence that they had been using. I also moved the mother hen and her crew back to the chick coop and clipped all their wings so they can't escape. Mumma hen is not happy about losing her freedom but, oh well, better than losing your life!!
My pullets are still laying tiny eggs which a very cute and my two khaki campbell ducks are still occasionally laying double yolkers. When these happen on the same day, it makes for an interesting comparison of sizes. I suppose the two together would just make two normal sized eggs. Any how, doesn't matter the size, or at times, shape, they still taste amazing in my breakfast omelettes!!