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  • Writer's pictureHuttons Valley Permaculture

Not so cute :(

Sunday was another big day on the farm with another couple of lambs welcomed into the world. Unfortunately their arrival had to be aided by a vet. The lambs weren't in position and Annie would not have delivered without this big intervention. Anyway all seemed well once they had been delivered and she cared for them both really well, licking them off nicely and giving them a good feed. All changed by the next day, however, as she decided that she no longer liked the little white ram lamb. :( I've got them penned up and I'm tying mum up each time this little one needs to feed (morning and night). A neighbour had heard that if you tie the favoured lamb to the less favoured, mum will eventually stop pushing the lamb around as its also impacting the other. Seems slightly cruel but I'm giving it ago. Long time gain, short time pain!

The other lambs are doing well. They have been staying for the last week in the house paddock - right outside the kitchen door which has been really nice. Watching them prance around in the afternoons is adorable. I've just moved them all to another paddock now so less time wasting watching lambs!!

Also last Sunday I was awoken by an early morning text from my neighbour who let me know that a large limb from the biggest, oldest tree on the property, had fallen across the road and was blocking traffic. The council were called and they had their crew there to clear the road at 7am just as the sun was rising. Luckily my fence was not too damaged. It had fallen in between two posts so had crushed and stretched the wires a little but posts remained in place. Another couple of neighbours helped later in the morning to clear my fence line and restore my electric hot wire to working condition. It was amazing really - the high tensile wire they use for this purpose just popped back into place. It was the ringlock and barb wires that I'll have to do something about. Oh well, a bit more firewood and shredded leaves for the garden, coming up!

Sunday was a busy day - in between tree clearing and lamb pulling I attended a South Gippsland Permaculture committee meeting in Meeniyan. It was nice to get out and about for a short while as we planned for the next group gathering. Hopefully this one will be in person, even if in limited numbers, instead of a zoom meeting like last month.

Sometimes when things get really busy and it's feeling a little overwhelming it's nice to stop, take a breath and just appreciate the things around you. With spring coming lots of my trees and shrubs are starting to bud up. The camellia is in full bloom however, and it's always nice to take a moment and watch the bees on these magnificent, brightly coloured flowers.

This weeks video is on my compost making setup and how I go about making this valuable resource. Thanks everyone who have subscribed. This video may not have appeared in your feed as YouTube often like to censor videos. I did include a brief mention of animal remains going into the compost and this was probably enough to upset them! So follow the link above if you'd haven't received the advice from youtube and would like to check it out!!

Hope you all have a good week, even though many are in lock down :(


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